Family Camp 2025

Family Camp is full and is waitlist only

  • Adult (17 & over) - $1,180

  • Child (6-16) - $808

  • Child (3-5) - $530

  • Child (under 3) - $126

August 4-10, 2025

Family Camp is a unique, meaningful week-long program offered by Camps Leelanau & Kohahna to Christian Science families each year. The pure, refreshing beauty of northern Michigan‘s Pyramid Point provides the ideal setting for a week filled with activities, challenges, relaxation, and peace. Indeed, Family Camp is a vacation for everyone!

The program is structured according to the families’ desires. Activities offered during the regular camp season and special activities designed for families and young children are included. The spiritual atmosphere of Family Camp brings fond memories, new friendships, growth, and achievements. It is the perfect family vacation!

Program Information


Packing List



  • Thank you again for all you did to make Family camp 2013 one of the best ever. The entire week was seamless and we really appreciate the extra personal touches added from the first counsel fire reflections of experienced campers to the multiple hymn sings which were a continual reminder of the love and peace embracing us all.

  • I was sad when the week ended — it reminded me of the feeling I got when leaving camp for the summer. But I am grateful to know that this is just the beginning of my family’s relationship with Leelanau. I am looking forward to spending a lot more time in Michigan over the coming years.

    What a joy it was to spend the week “grow(ing) in grace” together on the bluffs of Lake Michigan…

  • (We) mentioned many times how amazing the support was throughout the week. And I’ve personally never seen our daughter so happy. She mentioned how each of you impacted her time in such a positive way.

  • What an inspiring, fun and happy time we had at Leelanau-Kohahna’s top notch Family Camp last week!!! Thank you everyone who helped make this memorable adventure possible.

    Last Saturday was the very last day of Family Camp my grandson and I could go canoeing together. At breakfast he wasn’t hungry and told me he didn’t feel well, so we left the dining room and walked back to our cabin. He laid down on his sleeping bag and I told him about a healing his daddy had when he was a little boy. Then I sang to two hymns that I used to sing to his daddy, poems written by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. These hymns are “Feed My Sheep” and “O Gentle Presence”. “O Gentle Presence” is based on the 91st Psalm. I also shared the first 4 verses of the 91st Psalm, especially verse 4, “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust.” He was then fully healed and ready to go canoeing. We had a really special canoe adventure and he even got to twice go through the culvert at the end of the canoe journey (it’s like a water slide). He was fully active the rest of the day, ate a full lunch following our canoe adventure and a big dinner that evening.

  • It was really the most perfect vacation for our family. I didn’t expect or even imagine that we would have been able to do all the things we did. We loved being in a cabin together, listening to the waves at night, and hearing the voices and laughter from the families and our cousins around us.

    …we found out we were a part of a bigger family– the family camp family!

    We loved living the week along side other parents and children that are living Christian Science.

    We were amazed at how independent and free our girls were. I couldn’t believe our daughter rode a horse, how the girls felt so comfortable with so many different counselors, and how they confidently walked all over camp.

    Family Camp is a complete week packed full of love, joy, healing, beauty and wonderful activities!

    Family Camp is an opportunity to try out Leelanau and Kohahna in the years before your child first attends camp. But more importantly it is an opportunity for parents to reinforce the lessons and continue the magic of summer camp after your child attends on their own.

  • There are many wonderful things about Family Camp, including:

    THE STAFF. The Family Camp staff members are incredibly talented and dedicated. They truly love their jobs and being with the kids. Every time we looked around, our children were playing with the counselors, sitting in their laps, or getting piggy-back rides. We continue to be impressed with the caliber of individuals working for the camps who express such love, fun, spirituality, and joy.

    THE FAMILIES. We have met so many wonderful Christian Science families at camp. Our kids always make fast friends with whoever they play with throughout the week! This makes for a wonderfully supportive, peaceful atmosphere.

    THE SETTING. The lake, the beach, the trees, the blue sky, amazing vistas, starry nights… this environment makes camp the perfect setting for campfires, dune walks, games, activities and all-around fun!

    We cherish our time each year in this “little slice of heaven.” As we drive away each year, our family is already looking forward to our next summer at Family Camp!

  • We’ve heard Family Camp described as “a little slice of heaven” and couldn’t agree more! Our first year, we went with the intent of having our young girls get to know Kohahna so they would be better prepared when they were ready to go to camp on their own. What we immediately discovered is that Family Camp is a wonderfully fun and relaxation vacation for the entire family. With the wide diversity of activities to choose from, there are opportunities for family time, one-on-one time with our kids (and each other), individual time–all in an amazing setting with someone else preparing delicious meals. Everyone is happy!


Summer Camp


20s & 30s Weekend