Week 4
Cannon Report
KaBoom, KaBoom, KaBoom, KaBoom,
Ahoy! The Vice Admirals of this ship called HQ sharing a week’s worth of notes from the Captain’s Log! (to be read aloud in your best pirate voice)
First off, we put ashore last weekend long enough to set off a portion of our crew and take on a whole batch of new recruits. You can tell the seven-week sailors from the fresh meat based on how tan they are and how dirty their socks are! The new ones all have clean dry socks…for now.
With the new recruits aboard, we went off on Monday to the ole swimming hole of Bar Lake to make sure those fish could swim. Answer: Most. That evening we took the galley up on the offer to not come home and instead had a lovely Picnic at a little spot we call The Shallows (already sounds ominous and pirate-y – didn’t even have to make that one up.)
While everything was off to a fine and perfectly normal voyage on Tuesday, we opted to overturn the life rafts on Wednesday and send every single cabin on individual expeditions! Some sailed (canoed) the Platte River, some searched for treasure (hiked) ashore the Back Property and the Platte Plains, while others took to these new-fangled bicycles that use neither wind nor oar to power them, but a pedal. Hmmm.
All returned victorious Thursday morning! We hosed them down and sent them on to their regular activities. But didn’t let the mainsheet out an inch as we hurtled right into the Senior Flag Trip Combine – a training for those older crewmembers to prepare them and determine their role and place on the Senior Flag Trip for next week.
As the week sailed into the weekend the temperature and humidity both were on the rise. At every turn we found it wise to jump overboard and dowse the whole crew of scallywags in the Lake. Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon were dedicated to swimming, raft battles, and sunken canoe races to keep everyone’s head cool and ready for another week of swashbuckling joy here on the bark we call Camp Leelanau!
- From the desk of HQ