Week 3
Bugle Call
The Truly Amazing Tales of Lucy and Bonnie
Real life convo between Lucy the Lifeguard Tube and Bonnie the Bombardment Ball:
Lucy: Phew! What a week! The third week of camp is always a bit bittersweet for me.
Bonnie: What? Why? It’s so much fun! We did all sorts of fun activities. We got to play WATER POLO!!! I was soooo jealous of Francine (the football). She got to play in the water with all those crazy girls tackling each other just to get to her.
Lucy: Yeah that was fun to watch, though I was squished under the armpits of whoever was lifeguarding..woof. But the reason it’s bittersweet is..
Bonnie: (interrupting) OH OH and we had BACKWARDS DAY which..
Lucy: (interrupting the interruption) Don’t even get me started on Backwards Day! I get so confused and have no idea what the schedule is. Also, I was fast asleep when they came down for Morning Dips at 8 o'clock at NIGHT. A tube’s gotta get her beauty sleep!
Bonnie: Ok ok but it was still entertaining and most of the kiddos had fun since they got to do Off Camp Cabin Day in the morning AND it was followed the next day by THE FOURTH OF JULY! Best Day ever! We walked in the parade, we painted faces, we sang patriotic songs, what more could you ask for??
Lucy: Oh yeah - that was a great day! I hung out with the Waukeenas and the Juniors down at the Lake after dinner for a Beach Bonfire. They were so lucky! They had s’mores and sparklers. The lake was a thing of beauty and they sure enjoyed playing in it!
Bonnie: Oh for sure - we had an epic game of Bombardment between all the “squadrons” from the afternoon part of the celebration. Boys and Girls uniting together to throw us at other people across the net. My siblings and I had SO MUCH FUN. Maybe a little too much fun, I have to rest up to be ready for next week’s big Sky Team vs Campers Bombardment game on Monday.
Lucy: That’s the bittersweet part! All those three weekers had to go home.
Bonnie: Wait, what?? People went home???
Lucy: Yeah duh. Where have you been? We had a lovely banquet from them on Friday night and they even did their Pine Bough Ceremony and shared all the gratitudes. Then they left us on Saturday.
Bonnie: Aw man, that makes me so sad. Oh no! I’m welling up, this won’t be good for my future bombardment games if I’m all soggy!!
Lucy: Oh Bonnie, it’s ok. Even though we’ll totally miss them, we will see them next summer. Pippi always says to take camp home with us and make sure we use all the things we learned at camp back at home.
Bonnie: Oh that Pippi, she’s pretty wise. *Sniffle*
Lucy: ALSO - we’re starting the Four Week session and we have so many fun times ahead. We still have a lot of summer left to go! Plus you gotta rest up for your Big Game.
Bonnie: Yeah we do! I can’t wait! I’ll miss all those kiddos from the 3 week session but I can’t wait to see how big they’ve gotten when they come back next summer. Night Luce - stay safe down there at the Beach Tower.
Lucy: Maybe one day I’ll come up and sing TAPS for you.
Bonnie covers her ears and runs away. Lucy settles into a peaceful rest listening to the gentle waves on the Lake Michigan shore.
Stay tuned to hear what adventures Lucy and Bonnie have to report next week. Lots of fun times ahead!